Walk in the footsteps of history when you visit colonial Williamsburg and experience good old- fashioned Americana first-hand. Discover what it was like to be a colonist in this revolutionary city while you explore historic homes and learn of the struggles they endured. When the sun sets the adventure still isn’t over! Stay for the colony’s haunted history with ghosts, pirate legends and recreated witch trials. Delve into Historic Jamestown, New England’s first permanent colony of 1607, where the laws and customs we practice today were first established. Enjoy retracing the paths once walked by James Smith and Pocahontas four centuries ago! Observe archaeological remains as you view historical artifacts and are educated in survival during the harsh winter of 1609-1610 also known as 'the starving time.' Take in the natural environment the colonists once occupied, still lush with vegetation and populated with white-tailed deer and bald eagles just as it was so long ago. Witness the Yorktown Battlefield where the British surrendered and American Independence was finally won on October 19, 1781. Delight in museum exhibits such as one housing George Washington’s field tents that were used during the war. Roam the historic town and view Nelson House, once the home of Thomas Nelson Jr., the wartime governor, militia commander of Virginia, and signer of the Declaration of Independence. Take a guided tour through the revolutionary cannons and fortifications of a distant battlefield. Visit the Moore House where surrender negotiations were held and the war finally ended. If you're looking to take the family on a fun-filled adventure to exciting historical sites, then Williamsburg is the place to make your own history!
Hilton Head